понедельник, 19 марта 2012 г.

Sikuli: convenient way for debugging

When you debug your Sikuli script it is not easy to understand what image pattern sikuli can't find. Usually you see something like this log:

org.sikuli.script.FindFailed: FindFailed: can not find 1325480980510.png on the screen.

So you need or rename all patterns or open folder with patterns and see what the picture patter wasn't found.

It is not a simple way for debugging your script, so how I solved this problem will be below...

 #Here we get the path of our script 
 # Our long script...
 #If somethinh is wrong we need to get in string exception
 #Cut from log message our pattern filename
 mySubString=myString[myString.find("find ")+5:myString.find(" on")]

#Add for project path pattern's filename
  p = p + "\\" + mySubString

#Open pattern
  import os
 os.popen('start '+p)  
So you will always see what Sikuli can't find! 

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